Spectra Logic and Geyser Data Launch Tape-as-a-Service, TAPAS

DateMay 14, 2024

Spectra Logic and Geyser Data have embarked on a groundbreaking venture to revolutionize data storage by launching a tape-as-a-service (TaaS) offering. Named Tape Archive Platform As-a-Service (TAPAS), this innovative service is set to transform the landscape of data archiving by melding the reliable, cost-effective attributes of magnetic tape storage with the dynamic and scalable environment of cloud services.

The collaboration between Geyser Data, a provider of sustainable cloud archiving solutions, and Spectra Logic, an expert delivering data management solutions, represents a strategic shift toward offering a tape-based solution that doesn’t require on-premises infrastructure, specialized training, or large capital expenditures. This solution is specifically designed to meet the demands of enterprises who manage massive amounts of data by archiving data at scale.

TAPAS utilizes cutting-edge technology including the Spectra Cube cloud-optimized tape library and Spectra Certified LTO-9 media, coupled with Spectra BlackPearl S3-compatible object storage. This setup would ensure that the infrastructure is not only robust but also fully compatible with Amazon S3 or S3 Glacier applications, thus facilitating a seamless integration with existing cloud services

The operational backbone of TAPAS is supported by Geyser Data’s software which manages provisioning, monitoring, billing, and management, making the tape-as-a-service model as intuitive as popular cloud storage options. The service is accessible globally through an extensive network of value-added resellers (VARs), managed service providers (MSPs), and data center providers, ensuring that it reaches a wide range of enterprises looking for secure and scalable storage solutions.

Free Data Retrieval, Data Residency

What would set TAPAS apart from conventional cloud storage services are several key features:

Speedy and Free Data Retrieval – Unlike typical cloud services that might take hours or days for data retrieval, TAPAS allows for data access within seconds to minutes without any associated egress feesSimplified Data Integration – TAPAS supports easy data copying to major clouds, enhancing the utility of cold data for applications like AI and analyticsEnhanced Data Security – By using dedicated tapes for each customer, TAPAS offers an air-gapped isolation that would be highly resistant to cyber threats, including ransomwareUser-Determined Data Residency – Customers can specify the physical location of their data storage, avoiding issues related to data sovereignty that are common with public cloudsExtended Data Longevity and Environmental Benefits – Tapes have a lifespan of up to 30 years and are more environmentally friendly compared to traditional hard disk storage, consuming less power and reducing electronic waste

Economically, TAPAS is designed to be cost-effective, charging approximately $27 per month for each 18-terabyte LTO-9 tape cartridge, which breaks down to about $1.50 per terabyte. This pricing model is expected to be particularly attractive to organizations looking for a sustainable and economical solution to manage their growing data storage needs.

The Concept of Tape-as-a-Service

Industry experts would see the introduction of TaaS as a significant innovation. Simon Robinson, Principal Analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group, highlighted the service’s potential, noting, “The concept of tape-as-a-service is undeniably compelling… it brings the well-understood benefits of tape to many more organizations by making it easy to consume in a cloud services model.”

Nelson Nahum, CEO of Geyser Data, emphasized the alignment of traditional tape technology with modern cloud paradigms, stating that it meets evolving storage demands while being economically and environmentally sustainable. 

Nathan Thompson, CEO of Spectra Logic, also pointed out the urgent need for secure, high-performance, and cost-effective storage solutions in the cloud era.

With its official launch scheduled for June 1, 2024, TAPAS is poised to make a significant impact on how businesses manage, store, and secure their data, potentially setting a new standard for data storage and management across industries.

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