Eurofiber Expands Interconnection Capabilities with Equinix Fabric

DateMay 1, 2024

Eurofiber Cloud Infra, a division of the Eurofiber Group, is expanding its on-demand interconnection capabilities with Equinix Fabric to simplify end-to-end connectivity. The aim is to eliminate the need for physical cross-connects by enabling clients to establish seamless connections from any Equinix IBX data center to any DCspine-connected facility on demand.

DCspine, Eurofiber’s software-defined interconnection technology, can link over 95 data centers across the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. Equinix Fabric, another software-defined interconnection solution, allows secure connections to distributed infrastructure and digital ecosystems on Platform Equinix through a single port. This approach would simplify connectivity by eliminating the physical infrastructure burden, offering users flexible network growth and private, secure connections across the globe.

This collaboration would provide businesses instant, scalable access to diverse network and cloud services, helping them adapt quickly to dynamic digital demands. By combining the strengths of DCspine and Equinix Fabric, Eurofiber Cloud Infra customers can now “effortlessly establish end-to-end connections with greater agility and cost-effectiveness.” 

“It has never been simpler to provide a direct link between Equinix Chicago and the SmartDC datacenter located in Rotterdam,” said Elisabeth Hankeln, Managing Director of Eurofiber Cloud Infra. “The expanded network reach to our 95 linked data centers in the Benelux area will be advantageous to Equinix customers. Customers of DCspine, Equinix, and all linked data centers will benefit from this expanded coverage.”

Software-Defined Interconnection

This innovative solution would offer faster setup times and improved cost-efficiency compared to traditional methods like waves or dark fiber, ultimately making digital transformation more accessible for businesses across the European region.

“By connecting clients to Eurofiber’s network with ease, Equinix and Eurofiber on Fabric increase our reach and agility while improving flexibility and provisioning for customers in EMEA,” said Charles Bonnaire, Business Development Manager Interconnection at Equinix. “Our dedication to innovation and satisfying the changing needs of a subscription-based digital world is shown by our relationship.”

Equinix Fabric is a software-defined interconnection technology that enables users to securely connect via a single port to distributed infrastructure and digital ecosystems on Platform Equinix. By taking care of physical infrastructure concerns, it would make connectivity easier for users. It allows users to grow their networks flexibly and create private, secure connections with partners and data centers all over the world. This flexibility would provide instant and scalable access to a variety of network and cloud services.

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