Equinix Boosts Cloud Storage Options with Dell Technologies

DateMay 16, 2024

Global data center colocation and interconnection provider Equinix has unveiled a significant expansion to its storage offerings by integrating Dell Technologies‘ PowerStore into their Equinix Metal platform. This new development aims to bolster enterprises’ multicloud strategies by providing high-performance, secure, and flexible storage solutions.

“Businesses need storage solutions that allow them to be more agile and get the most out of their hybrid multicloud architectures,” said Merrie Williamson, Chief Customer and Revenue Officer at Equinix.This collaboration leverages Equinix’s expertise in cloud adjacency with Dell’s advanced storage technologies. The newly launched Dell PowerStore on Equinix Metal is tailored to support a broad spectrum of enterprise-level multicloud workloads. Offering low-latency connectivity, this service positions itself near major public clouds, enhancing both performance and control over data management.

The demand for agile and scalable storage solutions would be on the rise as businesses increasingly focus on optimizing data collection and distribution to accelerate value creation. Industry insights from the Enterprise Strategy Group highlight a growing need for storage options that not only reduce total cost of ownership but also boost market responsiveness and foster innovation. Dell PowerStore on Equinix Metal would address these needs by providing a scalable and flexible storage service with the option to increase capacity by 25% above committed levels, allowing businesses to adapt to changing market demands swiftly.

Merrie Williamson, Chief Customer and Revenue Officer at Equinix, emphasizes the strategic benefits of this partnership, stating, “Businesses need storage solutions that allow them to be more agile and get the most out of their hybrid multicloud architectures.” She further noted that the combination of Dell PowerStore and Equinix’s global platform ensures critical low-latency and high-performance connectivity, crucial for businesses operating in dynamic market environments.

Storage as a Service (STaaS)

The newly launched solution would offer several key advantages including:

Integrated and Cloud Adjacent – It provides a cloud-adjacent setup where enterprises can maintain control over their data in a high-performance, low-latency environment. This setup facilitates seamless integration with public clouds through private connectivity.Financial Flexibility – Offered as a Storage as a Service (STaaS), it allows businesses to avoid large initial investments in storage infrastructure by providing the flexibility to scale up storage capacity as needed.Global Availability – The service is accessible across over 30 Equinix Metal markets worldwide, including emerging markets like Brazil, starting from a capacity of 25 tebibytes.Simplified Global Deployments – Enterprises can deploy their storage and compute resources more easily and across more locations, thanks to the collaborative operation of hardware and software by Dell Technologies and Equinix.Enhanced Security and Compliance – The solution ensures top-tier data protection with enterprise-grade, multi-layer data encryption and complies with various industry standards.Persistent Data – Data integrity is maintained across server restarts, supporting a wide array of applications from transaction processing to disaster recovery.

Additionally, the Dell Partner First Strategy for Storage is set to further enhance the deployment of Dell PowerStore on Equinix Metal, making these solutions available through channel partners later in the year. This approach would not only add predictability but also open up new avenues for partners to collaborate in delivering high-value solutions to customers.

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