DigitalOcean Updates PaaS Offering with Autoscaling and Revamped Pricing

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  • DigitalOcean Updates PaaS Offering with Autoscaling and Revamped Pricing
DateMay 21, 2024

Global developer cloud service provider DigitalOcean has announced a significant update to its App Platform, a fully managed Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution. This update is designed to simplify the entire application lifecycle, offering enhanced value, autoscaling capabilities, and an improved user experience, making it easier for customers to build, deploy, and scale their applications without dealing with the complexity of underlying infrastructure.

In response to extensive customer feedback, the reimagined App Platform aims to improve the application creation experience and lower the total cost of ownership. This update would enable users to seamlessly deploy a wide range of applications, from web interfaces and business solutions to advanced microservice-based applications. Key new features include autoscaling, dedicated IPs, and more cost-effective resource management, providing greater flexibility for users.

DigitalOcean‘s revamped pricing model and packaging would highlight the company’s commitment to supporting business growth. Significant changes include the elimination of the previous tier system (starter, basic, pro) in favor of a more flexible approach. Customers can now choose from a broader range of dedicated instances, with options ranging from 1 vCPU/0.5GB to 8 vCPU/32GB. This expansion would allow for a more customized and cost-efficient setup, with dedicated instance prices reduced by 35% and data transfer allowances now allocated per instance rather than per application. Additionally, bandwidth overage fees have been cut by 80%, from 10 cents per GiB to 2 cents per GiB.

CPU-based Autoscaling

“Whether a business is deploying web interfaces, business solutions, or cutting-edge microservices-based applications, App Platform offers the flexibility and freedom they need to thrive,” said Todd Redfoot, CTO at DigitalOcean.One of the standout features of the updated App Platform is the introduction of CPU-based autoscaling. This functionality is crucial for developers who need infrastructure capable of handling varying workloads without manual intervention. Autoscaling allows applications to scale horizontally based on utilization metrics, automatically adjusting the number of container instances within preset minimum and maximum limits. This ensures optimal resource usage and cost efficiency, making it easier to manage applications under fluctuating demands.

Security enhancements are also a critical part of the update. The new Dedicated Egress IP feature allows users to assign unique static IP addresses for outgoing traffic. This would enhance security by enabling IP whitelisting, which controls access to third-party services and APIs, ensuring a stable and secure connection for the transmission of sensitive data.

Todd Redfoot, Chief Technology Officer at DigitalOcean, emphasized the importance of these updates in meeting the needs of modern businesses. “To meet the dynamic demands of today’s digital landscape, ISVs, startups, and growing technology businesses require solutions that place cost efficiency and scalability at the forefront. We’ve listened to the needs of our customers and reimagined App Platform, improving the app creation experience while lowering the total cost of ownership. Whether a business is deploying web interfaces, business solutions, or cutting-edge microservices-based applications, App Platform offers the flexibility and freedom they need to thrive.”

The updated App Platform supports a variety of popular programming languages and frameworks, including Node.js, Next.js, React, Python, Flask, Django, Laravel, Go, and Docker. This broad compatibility ensures that developers can build and deploy their applications using the tools they are most comfortable with, further enhancing the platform’s usability.

Overall, DigitalOcean’s latest evolution of the App Platform would represent a significant advancement in PaaS solutions, offering enhanced scalability, security, and cost-efficiency. Startups and expanding technology companies stand to gain from these advancements since they will be able to concentrate on innovation and expansion rather than being constrained by infrastructure issues.

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