Data Center Development in an AI-Driven Market

DateMay 11, 2024

The evolution of data centers has never been more dynamic than it is today. Always Flexible is what the Marines mean when they say ‘Semper Gumby.’ In the military, it is crucial to have a balance of flexibility when completing a mission and rigidity when it is necessary in order to have successful operations that are also ethical. When it comes to designing, constructing, and managing facilities in today’s environment, it is necessary to find the proper level of flexibility in order to meet or exceed the service level agreement (SLA) of our clients while simultaneously optimizing for speed and cost. 

To lock in a particular decision two years before a new data center is due to be commissioned is a difficult request to make because the technological infrastructure of our customers is developing at such a rapid pace. Our customers have more choice to tailor their data center installations to meet their current and future performance requirements when they are able to postpone decisions, such as those regarding cooling technology, until a later time. 

Rapid technological changes continue to come to bear with each client refresh cycle after a data center has been operational for some time. Those data centers that are better suited to assist innovation are those that are capable of supporting the next generation of technology infrastructure and can be configured to do so. Stream, and by extension, our customers, are in a position to lead, regardless of what the future holds, because of our responsiveness, adaptability, and agility.

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