CMC Networks Debuts CMC Cloud, Advancing Africa with Flexible IaaS

DateMay 11, 2024

CMC Networks, global Tier 1 service provider, has launched its latest product, CMC Cloud, which is aimed at revolutionizing the realm of edge computing throughout Africa. By optimizing the location of workloads closer to end users, this novel Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) approach seeks to greatly improve application and service performance without requiring large investments in physical infrastructure.

CMC Cloud is launched in response to an increasing demand for decentralized edge infrastructure. CMC Cloud would improve the efficiency and reliability of a range of digital services throughout the continent by cutting down on latency and bandwidth consumption. For real-time applications that depend on transactional data, video streaming, and the increasingly common Internet of Things (IoT), this enhancement would especially be essential.

CMC Cloud operates on a flexible, scalable, and agile model, providing businesses with easy access to virtual servers, storage, and networking infrastructure. This model would not only cater to the dynamic nature of today’s digital demands but also ensure a cost-efficient approach that can benefit a broad spectrum of businesses, from start-ups and SMEs to large enterprises.

Marisa Trisolino, CEO at CMC Networks, emphasized the solution’s regional focus. “CMC Cloud has been purpose-built for the African continent. We understand local needs and challenges across markets, and our new IaaS offering is providing tailored solutions to address the specific requirements of African businesses,” she said. Trisolino highlighted the company’s intent to simplify and accelerate cloud adoption to foster the growth of Africa’s digital economy, offering a scalable and cost-efficient model that removes traditional barriers to cloud adoption.

Geoff Dornan, CTO of CMC Networks, also commented on the holistic approach that CMC Cloud brings to digital transformation. According to Mr. Dornan, the service combines the company’s vast network footprint with advanced ‘application-first’ AI core routing capabilities to allow businesses seamless and responsive access to applications and data. “Customers can easily adjust computing resources to meet changing business demands, optimizing performance and scaling resources in accordance with demand,” Mr. Dornan noted, adding that CMC Cloud supports the varied needs of industries that require diligent data handling and compliance with privacy regulations.

Data Compliance

Marisa Trisolino, CEO at CMC Networks, emphasized the solution’s regional focus. “CMC Cloud has been purpose-built for the African continent.”One of the key benefits of CMC Cloud is its compliance with data sovereignty laws, which can often restrict cloud adoption. By offering cloud services that store and process data within the borders of a country, CMC Networks would ensure that organizations meet the stringent legal and regulatory requirements related to data storage and privacy. This aspect can be crucial for sectors such as finance, healthcare, and public services, where privacy and security are paramount.

Furthermore, CMC Cloud boasts a comprehensive suite of services including virtual machines  (VMs), memory, block storage, object storage, IP addresses, and Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS), among others. Additionally, CMC Networks’ Flex-Edge packages integrate software-defined wide-area networking (SD-WAN), SDN, network functions virtualization (NFV), and security into a single solution, facilitating digital transformation across the board.

Servicing 51 out of the 54 countries in Africa and extending to 12 countries in the Middle East, CMC Networks holds one of the largest pan-African networks, positioning it uniquely to leverage this extensive coverage to provide their services through CMC Cloud, helping to propel the continent’s enterprises into a new era of digital efficiency and connectivity.

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