Broadcom Enhances VMware Cloud Services Partner Program

DateMay 2, 2024

In an update to the cloud tech community, Ahmar Mohammad, Vice President of Partners, Managed Services, and Solutions GTM at Broadcom, has shared the latest developments in the Broadcom Advantage Partner Program in his blog post, specifically aimed at VMware Cloud Service Provider (VCSP) partners. It appears that the partner program has undergone some modifications, which cloud service companies will probably welcome.

Following Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware, which resulted in a number of noteworthy changes, the firm is negotiating this transition in collaboration with its partners and clients. Accordingly, Broadcom CEO Hock Tan unveiled many improvements to the VCSP program as part of the company’s commitment to fostering innovation via VMware Cloud Foundation, stated Ahmar Mohammad.

Expansion of the VCSP Premier Tier is one noteworthy development. Now open to all eligible VCSP Registered Tier partners, this tier is recognized for partners with advanced VMware procedures and a track record of achieving customer satisfaction. For partners with particular data needs or unusual regulatory restrictions, Broadcom and its Cloud Commerce Managers will assess special exclusions.

Broadcom is also extending VCSP Registered Tier partners’ access to white-label services. With more flexibility and alternatives, this program takes partner input into account and enables partners to improve the services they provide.

Broadcom is giving VCSP Registered Tier partners more time to evaluate their future strategy in order to account for business shifts. Their current deadline is May 31, 2024, and they may use that time to request an exemption, collaborate with a white-label supplier, or notify the program of their intended withdrawal. Partners will be given additional time to make the required program adjustments beyond this deadline, which serves as a decision point.

Integration of VMware Cloud Foundation

Ahmar MohammadAs long as they have their VCSP Registered Tier status, Broadcom guarantees partners that want to exit the program uninterrupted servicing until April 2025. They may continue to easily service their current client base throughout this change since they will be able to stay on Broadcom’s invoicing system and get assistance.

Through the integration of VMware Cloud Foundation and other related technologies into their portfolios of cloud and managed services, the VCSP program’s improvements would seek to extend partners’ potential for revenue growth, according to Ahmar Mohammad in his blog post. By making these adjustments, VCSP partners will be able to assist customers in getting more out of VMware Cloud Foundation and accelerating their cloud migration. To get comprehensive knowledge about these program improvements and associated prerequisites, partners are urged to peruse the VCSP portion of the Broadcom Partner Portal.

For full updates on the partner program enhancements by Broadcom, read Ahmar Mohammad’s blog post here.

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