Virtuozzo, MongoDB Forge DBaaS Partnership for Enhanced Cloud Solutions

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  • Virtuozzo, MongoDB Forge DBaaS Partnership for Enhanced Cloud Solutions
DateMay 7, 2024

Virtuozzo, a global provider of “alternative cloud platforms,” has entered into a strategic partnership with database and data services provider MongoDB. This collaboration would mark a significant development in the Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) sphere, introducing the latest versions of MongoDB integrated with full automation capabilities provided by Virtuozzo’s Platform as a Service (PaaS) solution, the Virtuozzo Application Platform.

With this partnership, Virtuozzo joins the Certified by MongoDB DBaaS program. This certification allows Virtuozzo to offer MongoDB through its Application Platform to service providers. This integration equips Virtuozzo’s platform to handle automated provisioning, clustering, scaling, updates, and backups. Service providers can leverage these features along with their managed services to deliver comprehensive DBaaS solutions.

The result is that enterprises now have access to automated MongoDB services and a variety of other applications on “cost-effective, sovereign” cloud infrastructure. Additionally, software companies, systems integrators, and other businesses can deploy the Virtuozzo Application Platform on-premises to manage MongoDB across private cloud locations seamlessly.

Alex Fine, CEO of Virtuozzo, highlighted the benefits of this partnership, stating, “Virtuozzo software is the antidote to high-cost, high-complexity cloud, and we’re excited to expand the scope of what you can achieve with Virtuozzo and MongoDB.” He emphasized the cost-effectiveness and enhanced control over infrastructure that their on-premises solution offers enterprises, compared to fully managed DBaaS solutions. Fine also noted the ease with which businesses could extend their MongoDB environments across various clouds.

Simplified Database Provisioning

Lars Herrmann, VP of Partner Ecosystem at MongoDB, also commented on the partnership, “It has always been part of our mission to ensure that customers can easily access MongoDB, and partners like Virtuozzo make that happen by extending MongoDB’s reach.” Mr. Herrmann elaborated on the increased flexibility and choice this partnership offers organizations, especially those looking to leverage generative AI applications, without compromising on performance, security, or availability.

The partnership between Virtuozzo and MongoDB has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses implement and maintain databases. High availability achieved by automatically supplied replica set clusters, simplified database provisioning using the Virtuozzo UI, CLI, or API, and the ability to conduct automated MongoDB management on-premises or in the cloud are some of the main advantages. This setup would support redundancy, failover, and uptime best practices.

Additionally, the platform would facilitate easy scalability that responds automatically to traffic fluctuations, seamless updates for maintaining security and operational continuity, and secure backups for enhanced data protection and recovery. Moreover, the containerized MongoDB on Virtuozzo’s platform would ensure efficient infrastructure utilization and cost optimization, freeing up resources so that teams can focus more on strategic business initiatives.

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