Huawei Unveils Xinghe Intelligent Network to Drive Africa’s Digital Evolution

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  • Huawei Unveils Xinghe Intelligent Network to Drive Africa’s Digital Evolution
DateMay 29, 2024

At the recent Huawei Network Summit 2024 held in Marrakech, Morocco, Huawei unveiled its latest advancement in data communication: the Xinghe Intelligent Network. The summit drew over 400 customers and partners from across Northern Africa, including representatives from Egypt, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, and Morocco.

Leon Wang, President of Huawei’s Data Communication Product Line, emphasized the urgency of intelligent digital transformation across industries and highlighted the evolution of networks towards all-encompassing intelligence. He stated, “We fully upgrade our data communication solutions from Intelligent Cloud-Network to Xinghe Intelligent Network based on Net5.5G, thereby building a network foundation for the intelligent era.”

Huawei introduced more than ten innovative products and solutions designed to cater to various scenarios, including campus networks, wide area networks (WANs), data center networks, and network security. Among the notable products were all-scenario Wi-Fi 7, the highest-density 400GE modular data center switch with 640 400GE ports, a flexible switch with cards ranging from GE to 400GE, the industry’s first 220 mm deep 400GE router, an all-in-one intelligent converged gateway, and the Net Master, a network large model application.

Additionally, Huawei unveiled nine industry-specific solutions and flagship distribution products aimed at public services, finance, electric power, and education sectors. This move underscores Huawei’s commitment to deepening its presence in commercial and small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) markets. By the end of 2024, Huawei Data Communication plans to offer 73 models of distribution products outside China, collaborating with partners to facilitate digital transformation for numerous enterprises.

IP Club Member Program

Local customers in Northern Africa shared their successful experiences with Huawei’s data communication products. Mehdi AKRAB, Deputy CTO of Morocco’s Marjane Group, praised Huawei’s high-quality campus network solution, noting its role in building a future-proof campus network with ultra-high-speed access, IoT convergence, and simplified operations and maintenance (O&M), all of which have been instrumental in their digital transformation.

Furthermore, Huawei announced enhancements to its IP Club member program, offering members fresh insights into the latest technological innovations, opportunities to connect with industry experts and opinion leaders, and participation in an elite member brand plan. The event also celebrated IP Club Diamond members with awards for their contributions.

As industries stand at a critical juncture, transitioning from digital to intelligent transformation, Huawei’s Xinghe Intelligent Network aims to provide the necessary infrastructure to support this evolution. Huawei remains committed to upgrading its offerings to build leading network infrastructures, propelling industries into the intelligent era.

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