Colocation Firm Penta Infra Partners with Danish IT Company ADDvision

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  • Colocation Firm Penta Infra Partners with Danish IT Company ADDvision
DateMay 10, 2024

A strategic alliance has been announced by Penta Infra, a rapidly expanding European colocation data center operator, and ADDvision, a Danish IT firm specializing in ERP, cloud/hosting solutions, and IT outsourcing. The collaboration attempts to meet the growing need for integrated ICT solutions from Danish companies looking to improve their online presence.

With a wide presence in key European markets including Germany, France, the Netherlands, and especially Denmark, Penta Infra is an expert in providing secured, eco-friendly, and highly integrated data center solutions. These vary from full-featured colocation services to specially designed build-to-suit data centers. 

Penta Infra has won awards for its innovative approaches to sustainability. Most notably, in 2022, the company was awarded for the heat-reuse technology in its Copenhagen data center, which uses surplus heat to heat almost 1,500 households by feeding it into the local heating grid.

ADDvision brings to the table a long history of delivering reliable IT solutions tailored to the requirements of mid-sized businesses in Denmark – one of the world’s most technologically sophisticated countries. With more than 70 experts spread out around the country, ADDvision provides a range of services aimed at improving and streamlining business operations for its customers, including ERP systems, cloud hosting, and full outsourcing.

“The Danish business landscape is undergoing a rapid digital transformation, and businesses are increasingly recognizing the need for a comprehensive approach to their ICT infrastructure,” said Patrick van der Wilt, CCO of Penta Infra. “By aligning Penta Infra’s secure data center facilities with ADDvision’s broad spectrum of IT services, the partnership aims to furnish Danish companies with a robust technological foundation, essential for thriving in an increasingly digital economy.

Colocation and IT Services Collaboration

Daniel Christiansen, CTO of ADDvision, emphasized the synergy between the physical infrastructures and digital solutions that this partnership encapsulates. “This collaboration not only signifies our commitment to equip Danish firms with top-tier ICT solutions but also ensures a holistic approach to IT, covering all fundamental aspects from infrastructure to application management.”

Both companies express a confident outlook on the impact of their joint venture, envisioning a significant boost in the efficiency and scalability of IT operations for Danish businesses. “Together, we will empower businesses to achieve their IT goals and drive innovation,” Mr. Van der Wilt added, underscoring the transformative potential of the alliance.

This strategic partnership not only aims to enhance the digital agility of Danish companies but also reflects a broader trend in the European ICT sector, where collaboration between colocation data centers and specialized IT service providers would become increasingly prevalent. Such collaborations are pivotal, stated Penta Infra, especially in regions like Denmark, where digital readiness is crucial for economic growth and competitiveness on a global scale.

The partnership between Penta Infra and ADDvision is a shining example of integrated ICT capabilities, ready to revolutionize the technical landscapes of not just Denmark but maybe the whole European market as well, as companies continue to negotiate the challenges of digitalization.

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