Architecture for Cybersecurity: Networks

DateMay 19, 2024

This video is the continuation of IBM’s Cybersecurity Architecture Series, and it focuses on network security, which is a mature and vast aspect of cybersecurity. It discusses firewalls in great length, elaborating on their role as network barriers that perform the functions of controlling and filtering incoming and outgoing network traffic via the use of proxy servers, stateful packet inspection, and packet filtering. During the description of firewalls, their function is compared to that of physical barriers that limit the spread of fire between townhouses. This comparison highlights the role that firewalls play in providing isolation and protection in digital contexts.

After doing an in-depth examination of firewalls, the movie proceeds to investigate several techniques for network segmentation. These strategies range from simple single firewall settings (such as bastion hosts) to more complex configurations such as tri-homed networks and multi-tiered DMZs (the acronym for demilitarized zones). Each configuration is assessed based on its level of complexity, cost, and efficacy in terms of security, with an emphasis placed on the significance of defense in depth, a theme that is recurrent throughout the series.

The webinar also provides an introduction to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), along with an explanation of its function in encrypting data in order to protect information that is transferred across public networks. This article discusses multiple levels of network architectures as well as various virtual private network (VPN) technologies, such as IPsec and TLS, emphasizing the unique uses and limits of each.

SASE, which stands for Secure Access Service Edge, is presented at the conclusion of the article. SASE is located at the junction of network security, wide area network (WAN), and cloud services. In this method, network and security operations are combined into a single service that is supplied via the cloud. This strategy simultaneously improves flexibility and scalability while tackling the issues that current networks face.

Lastly, the movie admits that owing to time limits, not all elements of network security could be addressed. This includes physical networking technologies such as 5G and Wi-Fi. The film also invites viewers to indicate their interests for future videos by leaving a remark below.

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