Zscaler’s 2024 Report Shows a 60% Surge in Global Phishing Attacks

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  • Zscaler’s 2024 Report Shows a 60% Surge in Global Phishing Attacks
DateApr 28, 2024

Cloud security solutions provider Zscaler has unveiled its Zscaler ThreatLabz 2024 Phishing Report. The report is a comprehensive analysis based on 2 billion phishing transactions blocked by the company’s Zero Trust Exchange platform during 2023. It highlights a worrying trend: global phishing attacks have surged nearly 60% year-over-year, with generative AI technologies like voice phishing and deepfake phishing playing a significant role in the escalation.

The Zscaler ThreatLabz report provides actionable insights into phishing activities and strategies, offering best practices to fortify an organization’s defense against these growing threats.

According to Deepen Desai, CSO and Head of Security Research at Zscaler, phishing is becoming increasingly sophisticated. “Threat actors are now exploiting generative AI and other advanced technologies to craft more deceptive attacks, often leveraging trusted platforms,” Desai explains. He emphasizes the importance of a proactive and layered security strategy that integrates a robust zero-trust architecture with AI-powered phishing prevention controls.

Rise in Phishing Attacks in Australia

In 2023, North America was the epicenter of phishing activities, hosting over half of all recorded attacks. Following closely were the EMEA (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) and India. Specifically, the United States led with 55.9% of the attacks, with the United Kingdom and India at 5.6% and 3.9%, respectively. The prevalence in these regions is largely due to their advanced digital infrastructure and high volumes of internet users and online transactions.

Interestingly, Zscaler’s report notes a significant rise in phishing attacks in Australia, with a 479% increase from the previous year, placing it among the top 10 countries for phishing content hosting. The majority of these phishing campaigns originated from the U.S., the U.K., and Russia, pointing to a widespread and diverse threat landscape.

The financial sector was particularly hard-hit, experiencing a staggering 393% increase in phishing attacks compared to the previous year. This sector’s heavy reliance on digital platforms makes it a prime target for cybercriminals looking to exploit vulnerabilities. Similarly, the manufacturing industry saw a 31% increase in attacks as it becomes more dependent on digital, interconnected technologies, including IoT and operational technology, highlighting an expanding risk profile for industries across the board.

In terms of brand impersonation, Microsoft was the most mimicked brand in phishing attempts in 2023, with its platforms like OneDrive and SharePoint also among the top targets. This trend underscores the high value that attackers place on the credentials associated with widely used enterprise platforms.

Zero Trust

The report advocates for the adoption of Zero Trust architecture as a means to combat these sophisticated threats. Zero Trust principles, emphasizing ‘never trust, always verify,’ are critical in the current threat environment. By implementing advanced AI-driven phishing prevention measures, organizations can enhance their security posture significantly. These measures include TLS/SSL inspection, AI-powered browser isolation, and policy-driven access controls which prevent access to malicious sites. They also include app segmentation to limit damage from attacks, inline inspection to shut down compromised insider threats, and data loss prevention techniques to protect data integrity.

As phishing attacks grow more complex and frequent, the insights from the Zscaler ThreatLabz 2024 Phishing Report highlights the need for continuous adaptation and advancement in cybersecurity strategies. For businesses, staying ahead would mean integrating cutting-edge security measures that can evolve with the changing tactics of cyber adversaries. The integrity of digital infrastructures and the security of sensitive data are at risk thus the stakes are quite high.

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