Akamai Unveils 2023 Sustainability Report and Microsite

DateApr 29, 2024

“With its substantial role in the internet ecosystem, Akamai recognizes it has a responsibility to reduce its environmental impacts,” said Mike Mattera, Director of Corporate Sustainability and Chief Sustainability Officer at Akamai. “Last year Akamai unveiled Akamai Connected Cloud and its cloud computing services. This expansion meant reanalyzing the company’s energy needs, forecasts, and sources to reflect the continued build-out of our massively distributed edge and cloud platform.”

Akamai’s cloud computing capabilities run on Akamai Connected Cloud, the world’s most distributed cloud platform, with more than 4,100 edge points of presence (PoPs). Akamai Connected Cloud brings cloud computing services to underserved and difficult-to-reach locations. The ability to scale compute resources minimizes the need to scale up centrally to serve end user demand. Points of presence located closer to the end user reduce the distance data needs to travel, making it more energy efficient. Reduced energy need lowers overall emissions output from the platform when compared with a more traditional cloud. It also helps make workloads more resource-efficient by enabling processing and utilization closer to the source or end user, while improving reliability and resilience and reducing the risk of downtime that could cause a negative environmental impact. 

To fulfill Akamai’s commitment, the company remains focused on achieving five goals by 2030 across Akamai Connected Cloud.

Net-zero emissions – Akamai is targeting net-zero emissions across Scope 1 and 2 and is taking an Emissions First approach to decarbonizing infrastructure by focusing on emission-intensive grids.

Enhanced efficiency – Akamai is working to improve power consumption through software advancements and the deployment of efficient hardware across Akamai Connected Cloud.

100% renewable energy. Akamai remains committed to powering Akamai Connected Cloud and global operations with 100% renewable energy.

Supplier engagement – Akamai is partnering with providers of business sustainability ratings and working directly with data center providers to understand where suppliers are in their sustainability journey and how Akamai can offer support.

Circular business practices – Akamai embraces a holistic approach to support its goals through lifecycle management, best-in-class e-waste practices, customer and employee engagement, community events, and public advocacy.

The company has launched a data-intensive and informative sustainability-focused microsite, accessible through/via the Akamai website. The microsite includes such content as: 

Akamai sustainability strategyProgress toward 2030 sustainability goalsKey metrics, including emissions accountingSustainability programs and partnershipsCorporate environmental management systemAkamai’s placement on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) indexes

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